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Product Description - ISDP

The IntelliLightŪ family of services have been designed to offer enhanced survivability options to Bell Atlantic's access customers while utilizing the SONET technology platform. The first two tariffed services include IntelliLight Custom SONET Ring (ICSR) and IntelliLightŪ Dual Wire Center (IDWC).

IntelliLightŪ Dual Wire Center (IDWC) provides fully survivable, high quality transport to customers for DS1, DS3, and OC3 services. To achieve this, IDWC utilizes multiple self-healing SONET rings with diversely routed fiber paths that are interconnected using specialized survivability features (e.g., Drop and Continue, Dual Ring Interworking, Dual Path, Dual Homing) supported by the rings deployed in the BA network. Since IDWC envisions the use of multiple, shared rings, it follows that these features permit infrastructure SONET rings to work together in order to bypass failed network components and maintain service.

The provision of IDWC provides a fully diverse backup (DS1/DS3) path through the network, insuring that there is no point of failure (excluding the end points of the service) from the customer premise to the POP, a second customer premise or a hubbing point (i.e., central office). It is designed for those customers with only one or two high capacity circuits that require a higher level of survivability than is normally provided in Bell Atlantic's network. It is important to note that IDWC does not provide increased bandwidth or functionality. IDWC is provisioned via Bell Atlantic's shared infrastructure facilities and does not require a customer to invest in a dedicated SONET network such as ICSR.

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The IntelliLight® Shared Dual Path provides fully survivable, high quality transport to customers for DS1, DS3, OC3 services.

  Ring Configuration

ISDP Ring Configuration

NI-NI Combinations
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node Nodes/ADMS
POP Point of Presence
NI Network Interface
IOF Inter-Office Facility
CAR Customer Access Ring
IWC Intermediate Wire Center
HSAR High Speed Access Ring
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