Product Description - ISAN
ICAN is a SONET based, special access transport service which terminates
over STS entrance ring capacity at the customer primary location. ICAN
is provided with two levels of survivable, Basic & Premium. ICAN
"Basic" circuit designs provide fiber link protection for
customer’s DS1 and higher bandwidth services. ICAN "Premium"
circuit designs will include fiber link and intermediate electronics
protection for customer’s DS1 and higher bandwidth services. ICAN will
be packaged in a manner that requires minimum service volume levels
(336 DS1s or equivalents) at each carrier POP, thus supporting the nature
of the service as a network, rather than individual circuit offering.
For individual subtending services, the ICAN SONET design is provided
as ON-NET or OFF-NET. ON-NET guarantees the selected level of survivability
from the POP (or Network Aggregation Point) to the end user building.
OFF-NET guarantees the selected level of survivability over the POP
entrance ring and as far into the network as facilities allow. ICAN
is a LATA wide network offering in the South, and a POP wide service
in the North. Bell Atlantic requires a five-year service commitment
from the customer.
The available POP and EU Premises network
interface combinations are:
Premises |
The ICAN ON NET architecture consists of four basic network components:
(1) an entrance facility (into the carrier’s POP) provided over
a self-healing diverse fiber path SONET ring (based on the design of
ICSR); (2) shared Digital Cross-connect Systems (DCS) for
multiplexing and grooming of DS1 Connecting Facility Assignments (CFA);
(3) shared InterOffice Facility (IOF) provided over a self-healing
diverse fiber path SONET ring; and (4) a shared local loop facility
provided over a self-healing diverse fiber path SONET ring which connects
to the IOF at two Bell Atlantic wire centers (Customer Access Ring -
ICAN is a Bell Atlantic Intellilight service. Entrance and subtending
special access services are provided over survivable SONET network facilities
that are supported by Bell Atlantic’s one-minute service guarantee.
Therefore, should an ICAN circuit be interrupted for one minute or more
in a given month, due to a BA problem, the customer will be credited
100% of the monthly rate for the affected service.